October: Please let Me Make It!

It’s a beautiful day for sharing a list of books I hope to read! Last month, I failed to read all the books I hoped to read. I left 3 incomplete. So this month, I am trying something a bit different. I am going to tackle my ARCs first, because…duh. Then…well, you’ll see!

Arc for october

I have 3 ARCs to get through, technically 4 as I am still completing Children of Neptune. If anyone knows of methods to better gather my reading life, please suggest some in the comments! Side note: These may be famous last words, but I am super excited about these ARCs!

Fun Reads

Remember how I said I was going to try something new? So, let’s talk! I always get too many books on my Books I Hope to Read list and I only read maybe 4 of them. This time, I am giving myself only 3 books, so I have a lot of moving room and I feel less guilty if I don’t get to it. The most important thing for YOU to know is that there WILL be a Beverly Jenkins book read this month!

What do you hope to read this month? Are you reading based on the season?

Ciao Book THOTS!

17 thoughts on “October: Please let Me Make It!

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  1. It’s always “fun” to see that I’m not the only one struggling with those eARC’s – especially when it comes to planning them and finding a balance with my own books.
    Lately I’ve been keeping track of all my ARC’s in an Excel-file though. Adding their release date so I know how much time I have to read them. It made me a lot less anxious because I just know and see how much time I have left to read it. I also feel a lot less guilty when I pick up one of my own books while I still have an eARC to read – but why already read it if it’s only being published in three months anyway.. :’)


  2. I had the same problem last month with not completing many books on my TBR list. This month I am going to work hard to get my TBR books read (post will be up next week). Good luck with your reading this month!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I AM SURE YOU WILL ROCK THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER AND READ EVEN MORE THAN THE BOOKS YOU HAVE LISTED HERE. 😊 You know, the secret to more reading is READING ALL THE TIME. 😂 I mean, whenever you get a bit of free time, read a few pages. Make notes so you don’t forget. That’s what I do and it seems to be working PRETTY great till now. 😁😁

    I am excited to read your reviews this month. The Book of Esther sounds interesting.

    Happy Reading. ❤

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  4. Your organisation is setting all sorts of goals for my lists 🙂 I have a hard time reading books I am supposed to be reading so I usually switch it up. Try not setting a personal reading list. just go for what feels right in the moment, It will give you more wiggle room. As it is ARC list cannot be messed with, try and have fun with your personal lists.

    I am looking forward to seeing what you put up this month ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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